Never take your eyes off your opponent, Ceris.
Well, it’s been another year, somehow. Blasphemous Saga Fantasy will be 14 years old soon, which is crazy. As per tradition, I’m taking the last bit of the year off from updating to build up my buffer and get some rest (or, at the very least, the latter). Due to the timing, it’ll be two weeks this year, so I can get us going again on the first full week of the new year; updates will resume on January 7th, 2025.
Thank you, as always, for reading. Whether you’ve been with the comic since the beginning, started reading in the intervening years, or just picked it up today, I appreciate you. I hope everyone has a great holiday season and a happy new year, and I’ll see you again on January 7th!
Wow. I don’t really write a lot of blog posts here, do I? The last text post I made is about this, too. Well, maybe in 2024 I’ll try to make more text posts. I’m not sure what I’d make them about, though. I guess I’ll try to make more blog posts in 2024 if I can think of anything to write blog posts about. After all, we’re all here for the comic first and foremost.
It’s that time again; as per usual (at least over the course of the last three or so years), I’ll be taking the last week of the year off from publishing BSF. This will either give me a chance to gain more ground on my buffer or it will give me an actual week off; either way it should be beneficial, so it’s all good. Updates to the comic will resume on January 2nd, 2024. That’s just one day before BSF’s 13th birthday! Pretty wild it’s been going on this long. I still intend to see it through to the end, despite everything. I’m hoping that doesn’t take another 13 years, though. That’d be too long.
As always, whether you’ve been reading from the beginning, started somewhere along the way over the last 13 years, or just picked up the comic today, thank you for reading and enjoying BSF. I hope you all had/will have (depending on what you celebrate) a wonderful holiday, and I’ll see you all on January 2nd!
I meant to post this earlier; sorry about that! I’m taking the last week of the year off from updating as something of a winter holiday break, so usual updates will resume onJanuary 3rd, 2023. That’s also the comic’s 12th birthday, which is crazy.
So, yeah. Enjoy the holidays and have a happy new year, and we’ll pick up where we left off next week. See you then!
As I implied I might in the commentary for Page 909, I’m going to take a break from updating for awhile. Chapter 23 went from May 2018 til this month; it was 173 pages in total and I’m totally exhausted. Like, deeply, soul-level exhausted. Maybe that’s not entirely due to artistic fatigue; maybe it’s how 2020 has been for all of us in general. I think it’s probably both. Something about this chapter really tested my commitment to this story, and I considered just quitting a few times… but I did it! It’s over, and boy do I need a break. I need some time to recharge and to hopefully get some (if not all) of the writing done for the next chapter.
Ideally, as a result of the prep work, I’d like to return to a twice-per-week update schedule when I get back to publishing. Maybe I’ll even have a buffer! We’ll see. My plan for now is to get back to publishing every Tuesday and Friday starting on January 5th, 2021, two days after BSF’s 10th anniversary. I’ll be sure to talk more about that then, but in the meantime, I want to thank you all for reading. I really appreciate your support and I’m glad you’re enjoying the story. I’ll see you all next year, with the Slime King centric Chapter XXIV: I Know You.
I’m really sorry to have to do this, but I need to push back the next update one more week. The short of it is that last weekend, I got sick, and after I spent the work week out of commission and then just starting to recover, my wife ended up catching what I had. So now I need to take care of all the household stuff that we normally split 50/50 every weekend so she can rest and we are still ready for the week.
The good news is, the next two pages are fully inked. Barring any unforeseen, cosmic-level circumstances, they will be colored next weekend and will go up starting on February 18th. Again, I apologize for the continued delays. The start of 2020 has been pretty rough for me. Hopefully things even out soon. I’ll see you all on the 18th, and thank you, as always, for your continued patience and understanding.