Really love the lighting there Also being able to decipher those runes and knowing that they’re reliably going to turn into something meaningful, it shows really nice attention to detail and gives the nerdier of us an extra layer of surreptitious fun XD And it makes the world feel that bit more fleshed-out, like it’s all there just waiting to be explored.
Are those fine squiggles on the sword/dagger/celestial tin-opener some of that other set of more mysterious runes, or just decorative patterns and surface details?
Thanks! I’m glad you’re enjoying the alphabet and it’s actually making some sense. I try to keep it in context so it’s relatively easy to figure out without being too obvious.
The runes on the ceremonial dagger are more like functional glyphs that make a particular magic spell, sort of like the ones that showed up on the Dragon Blade back when Seb re-sealed the Earth Plant. It’s more like programming than actual language, so the symbols don’t really map to words as much as they do to various functions. I’m not sure how in-depth we’ll ever get with the programming language of magic itself, but this particular spell is one to keep an eye out for, and we’ll get in depth with it later.
Flip phone! With a cat! hnnnnnng
Really love the lighting there
Also being able to decipher those runes and knowing that they’re reliably going to turn into something meaningful, it shows really nice attention to detail and gives the nerdier of us an extra layer of surreptitious fun XD And it makes the world feel that bit more fleshed-out, like it’s all there just waiting to be explored.
Are those fine squiggles on the sword/dagger/celestial tin-opener some of that other set of more mysterious runes, or just decorative patterns and surface details?
Thanks! I’m glad you’re enjoying the alphabet and it’s actually making some sense. I try to keep it in context so it’s relatively easy to figure out without being too obvious.
The runes on the ceremonial dagger are more like functional glyphs that make a particular magic spell, sort of like the ones that showed up on the Dragon Blade back when Seb re-sealed the Earth Plant. It’s more like programming than actual language, so the symbols don’t really map to words as much as they do to various functions. I’m not sure how in-depth we’ll ever get with the programming language of magic itself, but this particular spell is one to keep an eye out for, and we’ll get in depth with it later.